بررسی تطبیقی ارزشهای دموکراتیک بین نسلی در شهر ساری- فایل ... |
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Research subject is “Comparative analysis the democratic values in between three generation in sari city". Today, some intellectuals and the masses of people support democracy. It is thought to promote a democratic political culture among citizens and create necessary to ensure the survival of democracy in society. The first chapter of this research is dedicated democratic political culture. The part of scientific resources , in addition to the main issue to investigate view about political culture , democracy, sociolization political, Iranian political culture, and … Was paid. In the second chapter, the following methodology discussed, sampling and hypothesis are described. Political culture in this study, a survey has been investigated. Population with the historical experiences of war and revolution were divided into three generations. The first generation, 48-year high and the experience of war had revolutionary. Second generation, 34 to 47 years and has experience and active participation in the war the third generation 17 to 33 years of experience of war or revolution not have. In this study, from the viewpoint of the accepted value Ingelhart Generational experience - and The above material and consequently the value is built of democratic theory. To assess the political culture was used of view in three dimensions and cognitive, affective and Evaluative Dimensions Verba and Almond. Cluster Sampling in the field of 16 interviewers were selected and the block people of different, random were selected. In the third chapter, research findings, tables and graphs to describe and test hypotheses using appropriate, are testing. findings of this study are: the tendency of democratic values among the three generations differ seen, but only the generation gap between first and second generation has occurred. Interest rate of the democratic values in all three generations have been high. All three generations of relatively have poor assessment of the status of observance of democratic values in society. The most important priority in all generations of the population value is “economic growth” has been. Second priority that the second generation of the most frequent value in this case has had “free speech” and the third priority in all generation is “jobs” has been. Any time such individuals political knowledge is higher, the Democrats are more.
Keywords: democratic values, political culture, political freedom, political participation, political tolerance, democracy, generation.
بسمه تعالی
پاسخگوی محترم.
پرسشنامهای که در دست شماست، یک کار پژوهشی دانشگاهی است که جهت بررسی ارزشهای مردم سالاری در بین افراد جامعه تنظیم شده است. شما به صورت کاملاً تصادفی انتخاب شدهاید و ذکر نام شما لازم نیست. بنابراین میتوانید با آسودگی خاطر و آرامش به سؤالات پاسخ دهید و با همکاری صمیمانه و نظرات صادقانۀ خود مرا در انجام این تحقیق دانشگاهی یاری رسانید.
۱٫به نظر شما کدامیک ازموارد زیر از همه مهمترند؟ سه مورد را به ترتیب الویت مشخص کنید:
۱- رشد اقتصادی ۲- جامعه انسانیتر ۳- حفظ نظم عمومی
۴- نیروی دفاعی قویتر ۵- شهری زیباتر ۶- مبارزه با جرم
۷- مشارکت بیشتر مردم در سیاست ۸- احترام به آراء و اندیشهها ۹- آزادی بیان
۱۰- مبارزه با افزایش قیمت ۱۱- اقتصاد با ثبات ۱۲- اشتغال
۱-۱٫ …………………………… ۱-۲٫ ………………………….. ۱-۳٫ ………………………….
- نظر خود را در مورد جملات زیر بیان کنید
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[یکشنبه 1400-08-02] [ 03:33:00 ق.ظ ]